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Clear Heart
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$49.45 Auto-delivery price
$59.00 One-time order

Scott Sommer, Nutritionist - B.S. Degree
in Nutrition and Masters in T.C. Medicine
Heart Disease & Stroke Are The #1 Killers Globally
The American Heart Association confirms that heart disease is one of the biggest if not the biggest health problem facing our society today. Give yourself and your family the gift of a healthy heart.
Clear Heart ™ is an all-natural supplement that is designed to help support the Cardiovascular System. The ingredients in Clear Heart™ have shown to help promote healthy circulation, blood flow and oxygen flow throughout the body and to the organs.
Potential Benefits of Increased Circulation and Blood Flow:
Here are just some of the potential benefits if
they have increased circulation and blood flow:
Blockage in arteries feeding the heart and brain may be reduce
High cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood Pressure- key risk factors for heart and brain problems may be reduced.
Chronic shortness of breath may be eased.
Edema (swelling of the lower legs and ankles) a symptom of congestive heart problems, may be improved.
Angina and general chest pains may be eased.
Cold, numb, and painful extremities may be warmed and soothed.
Varicose veins may fade or even vanish.
Enlarged prostates could shrink.
Insomnia may be replaced by deep, restful sleep.
Low energy may be replaced by deep wells of new energy.
Vision problems and “floaters” may improve or eyesight may improve.
Hearing loss due to calcium deposits in the ear may improve.
Memory loss and fading mental powers may be halted or improved.
Male impotence may be a thing of the past… and much more!

The Problem:

NO WARNING SIGNS: 50% of the time the warning sign for a heart attack or stroke IS the heart attack or the stroke.
Every 34 seconds an American dies as the result of a blocked cardiac artery.
More than 6.8 million Americans undergo heart bypass, balloon angioplasty and other circulation related procedures each year.
700,000 Americans will suffer a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain each year that’s 83 people every hour of the day.
Year after year plaque deposits grow larger, gradually starving your heart, brain cells and every other cell in your body – setting you up for serious health problems.
Heart disease and heart attacks are the #1 killers of women in America. It claims more lives than breat cancer, diabetes and accidents combines. Cardiovascular disease ranks as the #2 cause of death for children under age 15.
The Solution:
Might just be Clear Heart™ an all new one-of-a-kind formulation with L Arginine, EDTA, Nattokinase, Co-Enzyme Q-10 plus many other proven natural ingredients designed to help support the Cardio Vascular System.
This truly amazing formulation has been created exclusively for American Dream and its growing number of independent distributors.
In Medical studies, EDTA has been shown to be safe for humans and has been proven effective in the removal of plaque from the arteries over many years of intense studies.
Scientific studies have shown that EDTA is up to 82% effective at eliminating rogue calcium from plaque, causing clogs to soften, let go and be flushed away! Simply put, EDTA is widely known to be a powerful remedy for, and help protect against – Heart, joint, kidney problems.
U.S. Medical Association – including the American College for advancement in medicine (ACAM) are dedicated to training doctors in the use of EDTA therapy to improve hardening of the arteries and other chronic degenerative issues. As a result, U.S. doctors recommend EDTA therapy to their patients.
Over 1 million Americans and 3 million people in Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America take advantage of EDTA therapy every year.

Your heart is the only muscle that works for you 24/7 - 365 - Every minute of every day.
You can’t afford to not take care of your heart.
Live a healthy, energetic life, try Clear Heart™ today!
Clear Heart™ Ingredients:
Vitamin E
Vitamin B-6
Folic Acid
Vitamin B-12
Co-Enzyme Q-10
Ginko Parsley
Acai Berry

GreatLife Worldwide, LLC. 2023 All rights reserved. No income claims or guarantees are made or implied. Individual results and incomes are determined by each person’s efforts to build and promote their business. Please refer to the compensation plan to understand the unlimited depth, never blocked, weekly and monthly generational coded bonuses (certain qualifications apply) *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Take as directed and always consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any supplements.