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Anti-Aging Study

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What Are Transfer Factors?
Transfer Factor is a smart molecule in our bodies whose job is to identify a potential threat, react intelligently and precisely to that threat, and retain that information throughout your future so it can become immune to that threat the next time your body encounters it.
- Identify, React, and Retain -
We're born with Transfer Factors, and they are found in breast milk. When Transfer Factors are concentrated and consumed, it has a tremendous effect on the human immune system. Transfer factors can up-regulate the immune system and down-regulate the immune system depending on what the immune system needs at that time.
Transfer Factor is a soup that includes nano Transfer Factors. Transfer Factor is the knowledge, and nano Transfer Factors are the wisdom. Transfer Factors are communicators that trigger the release of many other cytokines within the immune system. Transfer Factors have beneficial functions within the immune system. They cause the immune system to recognize, respond faster, and remember. This Transfer Factor soup enhances the effect of other nutrients and educates the immune system on bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
There are literally THOUSANDS of Scientific studies on Transfer Factors by scientists from all over the world! From 1974 to 1999, scientists from Italy and France used transfer factors on 1647 patients with no side effects. One-third of these patients were observed for 25 years.
The National Institute of Health emphasizes on the benefits of Transfer Factors by publishing 12,000 scientific studies on its benefits for the immune system.
How Do Transfer Factors Work? The Science:
Transfer Factors are Immune system messenger molecules that help your immune system recognize, respond to and remember potential health threats.
Recognize potential health threats
Respond fast to those threats
Remember how to act when those threats return
Transfer Factor Has Shown To Reduce Lipid Oxidation By 44.3%

Transfer Factor Has Shown To Increase The Body's Natural Production of Glutathione - S - Transferase By 150%

One Study Shows Transfer Factors Can Help Other Nutrients Function Better At The Cellular Level

American Dream's TransferFactor Advanced FormulaTM Ingredients
American Dream's TransferFactor Advanced FormulaTM is an exclusive, proprietary blend of highly concentrated proven ingredients. Just as a mother imparts immune system "knowledge" to her baby through her colostrum, or first milk. Transfer Factors in Natural Immunity don't just feed the immune system, they actually transfer immune system "knowledge" to your body to educate the immune system to recognize potential threats, even airborne ones. Carefully designed to offer immune support the way nature intended.

Shiitake Mushroom

Maitake Mushroom

TransferFactor Advanced FormulaTM Ingredient Benefits & Science:
Ingredient Benefits
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Reported Science
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