Zangrado® & Progrado®
Intended Purpose:
Gastrointestinal Health, Sensory Afferent Neurons
Emesis – Nausea
Motion Sickness
Joint Health – Normal MMP – Related Cartilage Function
May also Support:
Cardiovascular Health
Respiratory Function
Both Zangrado® And Progrado® are patented extracts from the latex of the Amazonian tree species Croton and more specifically, C. lechleri and C. palanostigma. The tree is known by the common name “Sangre de Grado” in Peru and “Sangre de drago” in Ecuador – both meaning “Dragon’s Blood” – so named because the latex or sap, harvested as one would maple syrup, is a dark blood red color.
Ethnomedically, Sangre de Grado (SdG) has been used topically to stop bleeding, heal wounds and as an anti-itch treatment and taken internally, for upset stomach, ulcers, nausea, diarrhea and intestinal viruses. Initial research identified the chemical taspine as the cicatrizing (wound healing) principle, coagulating blood to staunch bleeding while at the same time, causing fibroblast wound. However, this did not explain its internal uses.
Beginning in 1999, scientists discovered that SdG affected sensory afferent neurons.These are the nerves that line not only the skin but also all internal organs. In multiple conditions, these nerves are “hyper excited” – overactive.
Problematically, for Western applications, SdG contains anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins, the “red” pigment in wine yet approximately fourteen times more so. Thus, as red wine stains the white table cloth, SdG stains the skin. Thus, a method was developed and patented to separate out the red component: Zangrado® is the clear extract from SdG while Progrado® is the deep red proanthocyanidin-rich fraction.
Zangrado® has been used in clinical trials topically to treat the pain and itch associated with bug bites and bee stings. It has been used internally to reduce nausea (emesis), diarrhea and also itch. Coughing is a method the lungs use to “itch” themselves so intuitively, Zangrado® would be effective internally for certain respiratory conditions. Progrado® has been shown to affect matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs). These are the molecular “scissors” that breakdown cartilage which is normally replaced by new cells. Progrado® thus allows the body to repair itself.
Importantly, as with red wine, the proanthocyanidins found in Progrado® offer immeasurable benefit to the cardiovascular system, possibly reducing blood pressure and atherosclerosis.